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Up And Coming Tour Dates!

Here you can find the dates for the forthcoming tours!
Open air dates:

22/7/00: London, Hyde park, 020 742 1000
23/7/00: Cardiff Castle 08705 405040 SOLD OUT!
29/7/00: Margate, Quex park SOLD OUT!
26/8/00: Chelmsford, Highlands park
27/8/00: Swindon, Lydiard Park

Winter tour:

18/11/00: Birmingham NEC, 0121 780 4133
19/11/00: Birmingham NEC, 0121 780 4133 LIMITED AVAILABILTY!
21/11/00: Sheffield Arena, 01142 56 5656
24/11/00: Newcastle arena, 0191 401 8000
25/11/00: Newcastle Arena, 0191 401 8000
28/11/00: Wembley Arena,SOLD OUT!
7/12/00: Nottingham Arena, 0115 912 9000
11/12/00: Glasgow SECC, 0141 339 8383 LIMITED AVAILABILTY!
12/12/00: Glasgow SECC, 0141 339 8383
19/12/00: Manchester ENA, 0161 930 8000

This area of my site will be updated when New tour dates are released to the public!